COLUMN: How moving to Oregon affects Medicare enrollment – Salem Reporter

It’s always nice to see family members helping each other in difficult circumstances. In this case, Medicare insurance was the challenge. A Salem area woman was helping her brother who lives in a neighboring state make decisions about insurance and living arrangements.

She made an appointment with a volunteer advisor from Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) to get answers to her insurance questions. These were his questions.

If my brother moved to Oregon, could he get new insurance here?

Yes, if the move were to result in the loss of their current insurance, they would have a special enrollment period to sign up for new Medicare insurance in Oregon. He would have 60 or 63 days, depending on the type of insurance, so he would have to register quickly.

My brother’s health deteriorated. If he moves to Oregon, could he get Medigap insurance?

Yes. If he loses his current insurance when moving to Oregon, he will benefit from Medicare supplement insurance (Medigap). Guaranteed issue means that the insurance company cannot legally charge an additional premium due to a pre-existing health condition. Although expensive compared to most Medicare Advantage insurance plans, Medigap is particularly attractive insurance for people with expensive health conditions. The other type of Medicare insurance, Medicare Advantage, does not take health status into account.

But what happens if he decides not to move to Oregon. In the state he currently lives in, would he pay an additional premium due to serious medical conditions?

Almost certainly. However, when looking at companies whose Medigap premiums seem reasonable, check with several. Indeed, companies’ questions regarding health differ. Ask the state where your brother lives if it has a law similar to Oregon’s Medigap birthday rule that would later allow him to get rid of the supplement by changing insurance companies or changing the type of Medigap plan.

Or consider this scenario: Your brother buys a Medigap policy in the state where he currently lives and has to pay an extra premium due to poor health. If he later moves to Oregon, he could use the state’s Medigap anniversary rule to change insurance companies or Medigap plan types to eliminate the premium surcharge.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with a SHIBA volunteer Medicare advisor, or have a question answered here, please see the end of this column.

My relative living in another county in Oregon wants to compare their Medicare Advantage insurance with all plans available in 2024. What are their options?

She can make a SHIBA appointment (see how at the end of this column). If she is comfortable with computers, she can visit the website to review her plans herself. She could meet with a state-licensed insurance broker who handles Medicare insurance. She could call 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227); This is a 24/7 service, so calling at an odd time can reduce wait time.

For an excellent state-specific booklet on Medicare, see Oregon’s Guide to Medicare Insurance Plans. The Guide is also available in several languages ​​on the website.

I have Medicare Advantage insurance. I’m happy with it, but I wonder if the plans will make many changes for 2024.

Even if you’re happy with your insurance, two words aren’t always in the same sentence, it’s always a good idea to keep track of premiums and benefits. It starts by reviewing the information the company sent you in September, which outlines the changes that will be made to your insurance for 2024.

As for other differences in 2024, here are three: For residents of Marion and Polk counties, insurance companies will offer 12 premium-free Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, up from nine this year. Although Medicare beneficiaries with premium-free MA plans most often pay $90 or $95 for a hospital emergency room visit this year, many plans have increased the copay to $120 in 2024. One plan MA with a monthly premium over $100 had no patients. a co-pay this year for temporary skilled nursing care; in 2024, the daily share will be $196 starting on the 21stst day of care.

These are, of course, just examples, although each suggests it’s a good idea to stay current with the market to ensure your Medicare insurance best meets your needs. Annual open enrollment for Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans began October 15 and will continue through December 7.

Jim Sellers of Salem is a Certified Medicare Advisor with the Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program. To ask a question to be answered in this column, send an email [email protected]. To schedule a free SHIBA phone, Zoom or in-person appointment with a volunteer Medicare counselor, call 800-722-4134.

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