Vitamin D – Expert Says Whether You Should Take a Daily Supplement

Vitamin D, often called the sunshine vitamin, is important for regulating calcium and phosphate levels in the body.

These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy, but because the body produces vitamin D through direct exposure to sunlight, people may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency during the fall and winter months. .

Government advice is that everyone should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement during the fall and winter.

People who don’t go out often, are in an institution such as a care home, or usually wear clothing that covers most of their skin outdoors should take vitamin D throughout the year.

Rob Underwood, Director of Product Development at Love Life Supplements, offered his expertise on when it’s best to take it.

While there is no best time to take vitamin D, it is recommended to take it in the morning to match the body’s natural exposure to sunlight and help maintain a healthy circadian rhythm, he said. Even more important is the fact that vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and should be taken with a meal that contains healthy amounts of fat. This ensures proper absorption.

It’s also important to take vitamin D regularly, so if that means taking it at night is best for you and your schedule, take it with your evening meal. There are also certain medications that should not be taken with vitamin D because they can change the rate at which it is broken down in the body. If you are on chronic medication, please talk to your doctor first about when to take vitamin D.

So should you take it every day?

As with any vitamin or supplement, you should check your levels first. Your doctor can check these levels for you.

If you’re deficient, taking a daily vitamin D supplement will help bring your levels back into range, Robb said. This is especially important in the winter months when there is limited opportunity for the skin to be exposed to sunlight.

How much should you consume?

“There’s a lot of debate about the optimal dose of vitamin D, and while the best way to get the amount you need is to spend time in the sun, that’s not always possible due to lifestyle and seasonal restrictions,” Robb said.

He advised: Vitamin D3 and K2 LLS is formulated in accordance with clinical trials showing that 3000 IU per day (vitamin D) is needed to help normalize serum (blood) levels of this vital vitamin.

If you spend time outside in the fall and winter, do you still need to take a vitamin D supplement?

Unfortunately, even if you spend a lot of time outdoors during the winter and fall months, you may not be getting enough vitamin D.

He continued: This was mostly due to the decrease of sunlight in those months. However, some people have genetic problems that prevent them from converting sunlight into a usable form of vitamin D.

While this is usually not a problem during the summer months when more sunlight is available, it can become a problem during the darker months. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin D in winter and autumn, even if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

Do not forget

What many people don’t know is that vitamin K is needed to help transport calcium from the blood to the bones, Robb said.

He said: By pairing vitamin D3 with K2, you ensure that calcium is absorbed in the bones where it is most needed.

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