According to experts, how much water should you drink per day?

Hydration, rather the lack of it, has been on my mind lately. I recently got very sick with some kind of virus and let’s just say it wasn’t the respiratory kind. Sorry for the sad TMI, but after a few days of losing more fluids than I could replace on my own, I had to go to the ER. I’m sore, tired, weak, and also foggy and strangely sad, I told the doctor as he cauterized my arm to reattach a rehydration IV. He shook his head, he is dehydrated. It literally affects everything. You’ll feel better after that. An hour and 1000ml of rehydration fluid later, he was right. Did It’s not good to feel better, mind you, but it’s definitely no longer painful, weak, and tired, and fortunately, it’s also no longer in the depths of emotional despair. It was somehow magical enough to make me reconsider my commitment to staying hydrated every day. Not just for my body, but for my mind and soul as well.

When it comes to your daily water intake, you probably remember this hydration rule: Aim for eight 8-ounce glasses a day. This is one of those all-encompassing health guidelines that have been ingrained in our brains since the beginning of time with 10,000 steps and eight hours of sleep. It’s also, let’s face it, suspiciously special. After all, everyone’s body is a little different. Everyone had different shapes and heights, we all live in different places and participate in different activities. Can there really be a single standard for our individual hydration needs?

Dehydration can cause dizziness and headaches, but it may also affect mood, memory, and motor skills, explains April Panitz, MS, MD, nutritionist and co-founder of Amenta Nutrition. We need water for all our cells and systems to function properly. Water is essential for life.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

Of course, you don’t have to wait until a trip to the emergency room to find out you’re dehydrated, and in fact, please don’t. There are better and less harmful ways. The easiest way: take a look before washing. Panitz explains that clear, pale yellow urine indicates you’re hydrated, while dark yellow or amber may indicate dehydration, though he notes that some medications, supplements, and foods can affect the color of your urine. To that end, she also recommends monitoring the frequency of your trips to the bathroom: You should go to the bathroom between five and seven times a day, she says.

It’s also a good idea to monitor other body functions. Dr. Michael Hartman, nutritionist and human performance expert, explains that there are several symptoms of insufficient fluid intake, including dry mouth, lips, dry mucous membranes, headaches, dry or sunken eyes, and constipation.

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