Get strong bones with these 5 essential exercises

As people age, we see them take care of their skin, hair and weight. But most tend to neglect the most important part of the body: the bones.

As we age, the importance of maintaining bone health becomes paramount. However, the secrets to achieving this goal are not just limited to calcium and vitamin D supplements. Simple everyday exercises can make a big difference.

Dr. Deepak Sampath, senior consultant specializing in orthopedics, joint replacement and sports medicine at Bengaluru’s Hosmat Hospital, highlights five dynamic exercises that promote better bone health.

These practices not only increase bone strength and density, but also offer options that suit diverse preferences and physical conditions. Whether you do rigorous activities like running or look for alternatives that are gentler on your joints, Dr. Sampath’s list has something for everyone.

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1. Brisk walk

Walking briskly activates multiple muscle groups, helping to strengthen not only the muscles but also the bones to which they are attached.

It increases heart rate, promotes better blood circulation and helps improve overall cardiovascular health.

Additionally, brisk walking is a weight-bearing exercise that is beneficial for bone density. It is also a low-impact activity, making it suitable for people of all age groups and a perfect introductory exercise for beginners.

2. Run

Running is an improvement over walking and introduces a higher level of intensity. This rhythmic activity offers dual benefits: improving cardiovascular health and promoting bone density.

The repetitive impact of feet hitting the ground stimulates bone cells, encouraging bone growth and strength.

However, proper footwear and technique are crucial to preventing potential injuries, making it vital for new runners to pace themselves and ensure they are using the correct equipment.

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3. Bodyweight exercises: push-ups, pull-ups, squats

These exercises use your own body weight to build strength, muscle and improve bone health.

Push-ups target your chest, shoulders, and arms, while push-ups engage your back and arm muscles. Squats, on the other hand, are essential for strengthening your legs, hips, and core.

Together, these exercises provide a full-body workout, stimulating bone growth in various parts of the body without the need for external weights.

4. Swimming (for those who have joint pain/are overweight)

Swimming offers a unique combination of cardiovascular conditioning and resistance training in a low-impact environment.

The buoyancy of the water relieves stress on joints, making it an ideal exercise for those who have joint pain or are overweight.

As each stroke in the water provides resistance, muscles and bones are exercised, albeit in a gentler way compared to exercises on land. It is a comprehensive exercise that benefits the heart, lungs, muscles and bones simultaneously.

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5. Dancing (For those who don’t like routine exercises)

Dancing is more than just an art form; is a full-body workout that combines cardiovascular exercise with strength training.

Rhythmic movements challenge coordination, balance and agility, providing a holistic approach to fitness.

As a weight-bearing activity, dancing can improve bone density. Plus, it’s a fun way to stay in shape for those who find routine exercise monotonous.

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