Adaptogens are used as a natural remedy to relieve stress. Here’s what we know about this ingredient found in mushrooms and plants.

  • Adaptogens are ingredients found in plants and mushrooms believed to reduce stress.
  • Some also claim to promote concentration and return the body to a state of balance.
  • They may be useful, but more research is needed.

Last year, more than a quarter of Americans reported feeling so stressed they couldn’t function, according to a study. American Psychological Association report. So it’s no surprise that many people are looking for something to relieve stress.

Enter adaptogens, a trendy new substance that seems to be popping up everywhere, originating from Bella Hadid “brain care” seltzer brand Kin Euphorics at gummies improving concentration.

Adaptogens are active ingredients found in plants or mushrooms that are believed to help with various issues, including anxiety, fatigue and stress, according to Cleveland Clinic. They can also be made synthetically.

“The claim is that adaptogens reduce our body’s response to stress and help us better adapt to stressors,” said Dr. Dana Ellis Hunnes, a senior dietitian at UCLA. UCLA Health.

Here’s what we know about adaptogens and how they work.

Adaptogens are touted as natural stress reducers

While many plants and mushrooms considered adaptogens have been used since ancient times, the term “adaptogen” was coined in 1947 by scientist Nikolai Lazarev.

To be considered an adaptogen, a product of plant origin must have three qualities:

  • It is not toxic when taken in normal doses

  • It helps the body cope with stress

  • It helps the body regain a state of balance

Some of the most popular types Adaptogens include ashwagandha, ginseng, eleuthero, and rhodiola.

However, what constitutes an adaptogen is still somewhat vague and depends on who you ask, Vox reported.

More research on adaptogens is needed

For all the excitement about adaptogens, there isn’t enough research to determine how or if they work.

“People need to be wary of buzzwords like ‘mood-enhancing ingredients’ because they are used more for marketing purposes than nutritional reality,” said dietitian Tai Ibitoye. told Insider previously.

For example, rhodiola, an ingredient in some Kin Euphorics drinks, is believed to reduce pain, fatigue, and help with depression. But there isn’t enough evidence to know for sure that it actually does any of these things, according to the National Institutes of Health.

A Study 2021 published in the journal Nutrients, discovered that adaptogens can work by affecting several systems in your body that regulate stress. But the study also indicates that more research on adaptogens is needed.

Adaptogens May Be More of a Band-Aid Than a Real Solution

Adaptogens should not be used in place of other evidence-based treatments. Even though they make you feel better, they don’t solve the root cause of stress.

“Adaptogens and supplements can sometimes be more of a Band-Aid,” Dr. Hunnes told UCLA Health. “Instead, work with your doctor to understand the underlying cause of your symptoms or problem.”

If you experience frequent stress, you may want to try therapy Or meditationboth of which have scientifically supported benefits.

And although adaptogens are often touted as natural, they can interact with other medications you’re taking. Like all supplements, adaptogens are largely not regulated by the FDAwhich means what you take may differ from what is stated on the label.

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