How to Use a Simple Door Stop to Fix Your Back

Some of us wellness nuts have gotten really entrepreneurial during the pandemic, finding ways to fit entire workouts into work benches, milk jugs, spare PVC pipes from the garage, you name it. Then gyms reopened, and at-home fitness suddenly felt a little claustrophobic. The kitchen chair is just a kitchen chair again.

A sustainable and creative exercise routine, however, might consider employing a combination of both. We don’t need to isolate our healthy habits. There are things in your house that are explicit parts of your home that can meet your needs 24 hours a day. Like the humble doorstop, which is one of the most underrated ways to relax or stretch your back.

It’s a perfect combination: We all have tight backs (80% of American adults will deal with back pain It is 80% of us now work sedentary jobs (go figure) and we all have doorstops. They’re sturdy, stationary, and perfectly vertical, which makes them an excellent tool for spinal realignment and a great way to warm up for the real workout, whenever (or wherever).

Doorstop Exercises for a Healthy Back

  1. Upper back: My favorite. Stand facing the door frame, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the door frame at shoulder height. Lean forward so that only your chest drops toward the floor. You will feel a stretch in your upper back and between your shoulder blades. Breathe deeply and hold it as long as you feel necessary.
  2. Open the Chest: This is the famous one, usually designed to target the pecs and open the chest. Stand in front of an open door. Raise your arm to the side and bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle, with your forearm pointing up. Place your forearm on the door frame, with your elbow at approximately shoulder height. Step forward slowly with one foot, allowing your chest and shoulder to gently stretch. Make sure you don’t overstretch or force your body into a position that is painful. Switch sides to stretch your other arm.
  3. Shoulder blade squeeze: Position yourself sideways, with your right shoulder pointing toward the door frame. Extend your right arm and place your hand on the frame. Now rotate your upper body to the left while keeping your hand still. This action tightens the shoulder blades, offering relief to rounded shoulders. Switch sides when you’re ready.
  4. Cat Cow Port: This one is a little more advanced; it mimics the cat-cow stretch from yoga but uses the door frame for added stability. Stand an arm’s length away from the structure. Place both hands on the frame, lean forward slightly and round your back, touching your chin to your chest. Then arch your back, lifting your chin. After doing a few rotations here, I like to try some weighted push-ups against the door frame.

How to start the habit

Ultimately, consistency is key. Try incorporating them into your daily routine. You could pay a quick “toll” to get out of your room every morning when you wake up. Or consider “habit building” in the part you love most, with an improved support hour rate.

That is, every time you get up from your desk, take a break to stretch for a few moments on the nearest threshold (it’s more fun than answering an email, anyway). Over time, you will not only notice a difference in the health of your back, but also a surprising appreciation for doors around the world.

#Simple #Door #Stop #Fix
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