Every Mind Matters: The Many Dimensions of Mental Illness

The United States is facing an unprecedented mental health crisis, as two in five American adults reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression in 2021. Fortunately, the country has witnessed a positive sea change in recognition of the importance of mental health and self-care in recent years. , but there is still much work to be done to create a system that recognizes the nuances and needs of people with mental illness.

Schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder are just a few of the many conditions that affect one in 20 Americans with a serious mental illness today. The pervasiveness of these disorders extends beyond everyday vernacular as one-size-fits-all policies, medications, and treatments continue to fail patients. Even when services are available, barriers such as cost, cultural bias, and inconvenience often prevent people from accessing the care they need.

How can we break the stigma associated with mental illness? How can we build a comprehensive system of care to support everyone involved?

The Hill will bring together legislators, mental health experts and advocates to discuss these issues and more and explore why prioritizing mental health is intrinsically linked to good overall health.

See event coverage here: Money and mental health: Experts and lawmakers say lack of funding limits access

In person at the National Press Club Holeman Lounge, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045 and streaming nationally

Wednesday October 18
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. ET


  • Daniel GilsonCEO, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • Dr. Joshua A. GordonDirector, National Institute of Mental Health
  • Susan Gurleyexecutive director, Anxiety & Depression Association of America
  • Gabe Howard, Host of the Inside Mental Health podcast, author, speaker
  • Dafna Michaelson JenetColorado State Senator (CO-21)
  • Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI)co-chair, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Task Force
  • Rep. David Trone (D-MD)co-chair, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Task Force

Sponsor’s Perspective:

  • Debra BarrettVice President, Corporate Affairs, Otsuka
  • Eli PérezSenior Director, Patient Advocacy and Stakeholder Management, Otsuka


  • Bob Cusackeditor-in-chief, The Hill

Have a question? Tweet us @TheHillEvents using #TheHillMentalHealth


Otsuka is a healthcare company driven by purpose and defined by our beliefs. At Otsuka, we have a deep respect for the value of every mind, and we will not rest until mental illness and brain disease are addressed with the same priority and urgency as our physical health and recognized as chronic diseases that warrant early, equitable and effective treatment. accessible intervention. Otsuka is committed to shaping and responding to the regulatory, reimbursement and legislative environment so that we can research, develop and deliver treatments to those who need them. Through products, programs, policies and advocacy, the Otsuka will challenge every limitation that stands in their way until every spirit is valued. Discover our commitment to health for all minds.

#Mind #Matters #Dimensions #Mental #Illness
Image Source : thehill.com

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