4 foods that a nutritionist keeps in his kitchen so he can always prepare a quick and healthy meal.

  • Kate Hilton is a registered dietitian who fights misinformation about diets on TikTok.
  • She told Insider that she keeps the essentials in her kitchen so she can always prepare healthy meals.
  • She keeps various sources of protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables in her kitchen.

A registered dietitian spoke with Insider about the healthy essentials she always keeps in her kitchen so she can always make a balanced meal.

You might think it’s hard to eat healthy if you don’t have time Plan every meal. But Kate Hilton, a nutritionist, is fighting misinformation about nutrition on her TikTok account. Worthless dietstold Insider that if you stock your kitchen with certain foods, it can be easy to prepare a healthy meal without planning.

She recommends keeping a source of protein, starchy carbohydrates and vegetables in the fridge, freezer and cupboard. cannedfrozen, fresh or dried, so “there’s always a way for you to get the main food groups, even if you haven’t been to the shops in 10 days.”

Here are some of the items Hilton keeps in her kitchen so she can whip up healthy meals on short notice.

Long lasting carbohydrates

Hilton keeps a loaf of whole-grain or multi-grain bread in her freezer, which is one of them Healthier types of bread Because they contain a lot of fiber and nutrients.

She also keeps pasta in her cupboard, which she pairs with a sauce made from canned diced tomatoes, as well as basmati rice.

Meat and non-meat proteins

Hilton recommends freezing fresh meats like chicken breast and pork mince, or Quorn if you’re vegetarian, so you don’t have to rely on less healthy, frozen, processed options like chicken nuggets. Processed meat can contain salt, sugar, and fat, which have been linked to a number of health problems, including certain cancers.

Hilton also always keeps longer-lasting plant-based proteins in her cupboard, like cans of beans and lentils, which are quick to cook and also packed with fiber. Other vegetarian options include tofu and tempeh.

She suggested keeping products like soy yogurt, soy milk or eggs in the fridge for protein that can be made into quick breakfasts and lunches.

Fresh, canned and frozen vegetables

Most of the produce Hilton keeps is fresh, as she prefers to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. But in addition to the refrigerator, she keeps her cupboards and freezers full of fruits and vegetables so that she has a lot of variety and can get a lot of nutrients.

She always has canned tomatoes, canned sweet corn, and canned fruit like peaches and pineapple, as well as frozen peas, bananas, and berries in her freezer.

“Any fruits and vegetables you can manage will be a good thing,” he said.

Healthy fats

Hilton’s main healthy fat ingredients are extra virgin olive oil and canola oil, but she also recommends keeping any nuts and seeds you like in your pantry as another source of healthy fats.

For me, it’s walnuts and chia seeds Omega 3 They contain And also things like pecans and nut butters, just because I like them.”

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Image Source : www.insider.com

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