23 Questions with CJ Martin, CrossFit Invictus Founder and Elite Coach

Photo credit: CrossFit Invictus

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As we approach the end of 2023, it’s a good time to reflect on the season behind us, as well as look ahead to what’s to come. But amid the heavy reflections that accompany the end of the year, it is also time to address some happier topics.

This week, we spoke with longtime CrossFit coach CJ Martin, the founder of CrossFit Invictus. Martin just coached his second team to Affiliate Cup victory last summer, but we wanted to go beyond the sport of fitness and find out what’s going on in his personal life and beyond.

In the spirit of Interview with questions from Vogue 73 popularized by journalist Joe Sabiawe asked 23 questions to wrap up the 2023 season.

  1. What is your favorite time of the day?

CJ Martin: It depends on my location – early morning in the mountains, dusk near the beaches.

  1. What don’t people know about you?

CJM: I was voted Best Hair in 8th grade – fully documented in my school yearbook.

  1. AMRAP or by time?

CJM: For time preference.

  1. What’s the one gym accessory everyone should have?

CJM: So many to choose from, but I would say a Garmin GPS watch, which is also a good reminder to leave the gym for some of your workouts.

  1. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

CJM: Three eggs and some kind of meat with complimentary avocado.

  1. What did you have to learn the hard way?

CJM: Genetics matter – all the hard work in the world won’t make you elite in a sport you weren’t cut out to excel at.

  1. Mountain, lake or beach?

CJM: Mountains with lots of green foliage and trees.

  1. What is the most exciting thing in your life right now?

CJM: Coaching sports for my kids!

  1. What are you completely bored of right now?

CJM: Social media I have rarely engaged in any social media for several years and find it destructive for most people, but especially young people.

  1. Favorite place to be?

CJM: Eastern Sierras – countless hikes, camping and incredible views at 10,000 feet or higher.

  1. What advice would you like athletes to hear?

CJM: Stay off the leaderboards and social media during the competition and just focus on what you need to do next to be as successful as possible in the next task.

  1. What’s on your wish list?

CJM: I would like to go camping and hiking in New Zealand.

  1. What’s your favorite coffee order?

CJM: Tall/Small Americano – I find that if I buy small sizes I can drink 4-5 a day.

  1. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

CJM: You have an incredible family.

  1. You have 10 minutes to train, what are you doing?

CJM: Spending 8 minutes considering what the perfect 10-minute workout would be and 2 minutes regretting not having done anything other than think. I’m working on it, but it’s definitely why I’ve become a much better coach than an athlete.

  1. A person you would like to have coffee with?

CJM: Jimmy Fallon or Mike Krzyzewski

  1. What is the most adventurous thing you have done in your life?

CJM: He left a successful legal career to open a CrossFit gym in the midst of the Great Recession in 2008.

  1. What book have you recently finished?

CJM: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek and Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia

  1. If you weren’t working in CrossFit, what would you be doing?

CJM: Build an incredible community of individuals around a sporting interest or in an educational setting.

  1. One piece of advice you would give your 19-year-old self?

CJM: Celebrate your successes before moving on to the next goal.

  1. How would your athletes describe you?

CJM: Unrealistic in my expectations and demanding that they meet them.

  1. What do you need to have in the fridge?

CJM: Kerrygold Butter

  1. What do you need to have in the pantry?

CJM: Perennial Pastures Ranch Ancestral Blend Beef Snack Sticks

The loot: And of course, it wouldn’t be CrossFit if we didn’t have a little booty.

  1. If you could teach a college class, what would it be called?

CJM: Logical reasoning

  1. Favorite professional sport to watch?

CJM: Baseball, followed closely by college football

  1. What will you do tomorrow?

CJM: Coaching my 10 year old son’s baseball team and watching my 8 year old daughter climb routes I have no hope of climbing (she currently leads climbs of 5.11 routes).

  1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?

CJM: Yes. It depends on the topic, but I’m always optimistic about people and their ability to live up to their potential.

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#Questions #Martin #CrossFit #Invictus #Founder #Elite #Coach
Image Source : morningchalkup.com

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