Chewing with Max: Pax et Lox Sandwiches – The Tufts Daily

According to the National Institute the healththe watch Hedonistic hunger defined as aPreoccupation and desire to consume food for pleasure and in the absence of physical hunger.

Unfortunately, Or fortunately for Readers of this Column, I find myself gripped by intense hedonistic hunger. While I confess To Knowing nothing about cooking, food dominates my life.

Many times I have found myself traveling 45 minutes for a bagel or pastry mexican sandwich fOr No other purpose Than. until the To discover a new and delicious haven, however, these trips are currently on hold.

Instead, I am embarking on a new culinary journey: College. As a freshman with A premium Food Program, Taft dThis hedonistic hunger will put me to the test. I’m going to dig high and low, create the original canon of Tufts food, and share it with you.

my first log in From the lunch menu at none other than Tufts Kosher, Pax and Luxe Glat Kay deliOsher Deli.

I started my culinary crusade with it on Tuesday bEufalo JHicken sAlad ssandwich I ordered it on rye bread with lettuce, tomato and onion, no toppings. This was not my first time ordering this sandwich and I can say with certainty that it is the best Pax lunch sandwich I have ever had. (yet al).

The chicken salad was soft, but not too chewy, with no hints of mayonnaise. The buffalo sauce was perfectly spicedat the same level Not enough to pause eating, but still plenty of kicking. The addition of LTO was smart, as the vegetables added freshness and absorbed some of it bThe heat of Eufalo is also noticeable, the rye did not crumble and remained firm.

On the second day of the trip Pax took me there sPleasant Italian Sandwich again, I ordered it on rye with LTO (Do you sense a trend?). I must have said Yeah to sauce, a the watchot JHarry Pepper rElish Zoq Was The best part of the sandwich. With A great tang And It tastes more like a jalapeño than a bEufalo one

However, the salami and bologna were out of place. Even if they were meant to be The main characters of the sandwich, they didn’t mix well with the flavor and each bite without flavor felt bland and unfinished. However, once again the rye stood firm and confirmed my faith in my preference for bread.

My last pax meal of the week was good food Jdecorated bEef While I stuck with rye, I didn’t add LTO, which, as my mom reminds me, doesn’t belong in a corned beef sandwich. However, I added spicy brown mustard.

I had high expectations for such a classic deli, but I was very impressed. Although there was plenty of corned beef, it was dry and tasteless. The sandwich was hard to digest and even the spicy mustard could not keep the flavor alive. My reliable rye bread was also lacking. If Pax hopes to save this sandwich and return it to the pantheon of deli greats, an option for Russian dressing or coleslaw is sorely needed.

To wrap up my comments, which are by no means canon, I’ll share my gut reactions (no pun intended).

Buffalo chicken salad sandwich: Hands down the best Sandwiches in pax

spicy italian: It’s spicy, but it isIt is not available anywhere else, I will order again But this is not my first choice

corned beef: My frustration is beyond measure and my day is ruined.

So, whether you’re hungry for pleasure or hungry for sustenance, I hope I’ve helped make your gastrological guesswork more educated and your lunch more enjoyable. For now, keep eating!

#Chewing #Max #Pax #Lox #Sandwiches #Tufts #Daily
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