What does watching violence make you think? “Nothing good”: 5 tips for maintaining your mental health while keeping up with the news

The conflict in Israel and Gaza dominated the news cycle last week. Turn on the television or log into any social media platform and you’ll be faced with a barrage of horrific headlines.

While it’s important to stay informed, consuming too many graphic images and videos can be detrimental to your mental health.

According to a recent study, media exposure to mass violence can fuel a “cycle” in which viewers are very upset by the news and which leads them to consume even more of it.

“Nothing good” happens to your brain when you see violent images, says Iliyan Ivanov, a professor of psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

For adults who have experienced trauma or who suffer from mood disorders, the effects can be triggering.

“People with some level of anxiety might have some apprehension about what might come next because the situation is so fluid and uncertain,” he told CNBC Make It. “There’s always this feeling of, ‘What else could happen? Something terrible is going to happen.'”

However, there are ways to consume the news while taking care of your mental health.

1. Choose 2-3 trusted sources to follow

Read wisely, says Alison Holman, professor of psychological sciences at the University of California, Irvine. Holman studies trauma and media exposure.

“Identify reliable and trustworthy sources of information,” says Holman. “In other words, they provide real information. What I recommend is that you choose the top two, or even three, best resources.”

2. Set a time limit

You don’t need to consume hours and hours of coverage to be informed. “Set aside some time during the day and say, ‘I’m going to spend 15 to 20 minutes reading what’s going on to find out what’s going on,’” she says. “And then do it again in the evening.”

It’s not about consuming less information, she adds. It’s about not consuming excessively. “It’s important that people don’t bury their heads in the sand.”

Identify reliable and trustworthy sources of information. In other words, they provide real news

Alison Holman

professor of psychological sciences at the University of California, Irvine

3. Go for words, not images or videos

“Graphic images will affect us much more [than reading articles]”, explains Ivanov, because “80% of the information that the brain picks up comes from visual cues.”

According to him, platforms like YouTube, where there is an incessant flow of videos, are far from ideal.

“A lot of bad things happen,” he says. “Do I need to see thousands of people die? Of course not. You don’t need to see everything in detail to understand how terrible it is.”

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Reading articles, even if they contain graphic details, is a better idea, he says.

And just because you think a source is reliable, Holman says, doesn’t mean you should care about everything they publish.

“It’s important to read a story rather than watch multiple videos,” she says. “The New York Times just posted a bunch of pretty explicit videos on their website and I was sitting there hoping not many people were consuming them.”

4. Pay attention to your body

Everyone’s needs and abilities are different. Often, your body will tell you when it’s time to disconnect and do something else, says Holman.

“Are you starting to feel tension in your neck or shoulders? ” she says. “Is your breathing becoming more shallow? You don’t want to get dragged down to where you’re barely breathing.

“Pay attention to the signals of what your body is telling you when you follow the news. You can identify what triggers a strong reaction in you.”

5. Give yourself chances to recharge your batteries

Make sure to fill the rest of your day with activities that bring you joy or relaxation.

“Find something else to do,” Holman says. “Find a guilty pleasure. Anything that helps you process what you’re learning. Don’t let yourself get isolated and caught up in the news on your own.”

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Image Source : www.cnbc.com

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