Brain foods that you should eat over 40 for better concentration, mood and sleep

As we age, many of our cognitive functions may begin to decline. This can include concentration, memory, energy levels, and more. You may even have trouble sleeping at night due to several factors, including hormonal changes. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your brain as sharp as ever, your mood in tip-top shape, and a consistently better night’s sleep. As it turns out, one of the most important steps you can take for better brain health is prioritizing a healthy diet. The foods you eat not only affect the health of your body. They can also make a major difference in your cognitive performance, mood, and sleep.

In general, eating healthy is always a good idea for your brain. However, some foods are especially great for this. We spoke with nutritionist Kathryn Gervasio to shed some light on a few of the best ones on your radar. He told us to combine fatty fish, nuts, And seed Getting in your daily meals is one of the ways you can keep your brain at its best over 40. Read on for more information about the benefits of these foods.

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Salmon and vegetables on a plate

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Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel

Fish is one of the healthiest foods. Fatty fish, like salmon and mackerel, not only contain healthy fats that can keep your body in great shape, but they can also do wonders for your focus and mood.

“Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids to support brain health and reduce inflammation,” Gervasio explains. “It can help with mood and concentration.” He recommends eating fatty fish in 2-3 servings per week. “They’re best grilled or baked and eaten with salads and other high-fiber foods,” she says.

Replacing red meat with fish is a good idea, as red meat can be inflammatory and affect your body and brain.

Almonds in jars on shelves

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Nuts and seeds

Whether you add them to your oatmeal, sprinkle them on yogurt, top your salad with them, or simply snack on them between meals, nuts and seeds are small but powerful foods that should not be underestimated. Take it, especially as far as your brain health goes.

Not only can nuts and seeds give you energy, increase your focus, and eliminate brain fog, they can even help you sleep better. “They contain tryptophan, which can help sleep and function better by working with the hormone serotonin,” explains Gervacio. Unbelievable!

bottom line

Ultimately, the key to keeping your brain at its best is to practice a number of brain-healthy habits on a regular basis—and that includes maintaining a healthy diet full of nutrient-dense foods that can do wonders for your body. . And when in doubt, stock your freezer with salmon and your pantry full of nuts and seeds!

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