More than 12,600 people sought help for their mental health in 2022

Alex’s Place at Cayman Islands Hospital

(CNS): As Cayman celebrated World Mental Health Day yesterday (October 10), the Health Service Authority (HSA) urged people to pay attention to their mental well-being. More than 12,600 people sought mental health services here last year, according to the Mental Health Commission. Dr Omotayo Bernard, who heads the Department of Behavioral Health at the HSA, said people should pay attention to their own mental health and support those who are suffering.

It is important to understand that a person’s mental health can have a significant impact on their physical health and their ability to socialize, function and contribute to their community,” she said.

“It is crucial to address mental health issues as early as possible. Our world is constantly changing and we must proactively address the challenges that affect our daily lives. Ignoring these issues won’t help you, so if you notice your mental health is affecting your work, relationships with family and co-workers, seek help. I urge the community to support each other, talk about mental health and access care if necessary, advised Dr Bernard.

The largest group accessing mental health services in 2022 was those aged 25-44, followed by the under 18 group.

“People, especially our young people, should not be afraid to access mental health care,” added Dr. Bernard. “We may not all be affected to the same extent, but we have all had to, at some point, assess and take care of our mental health. Therefore, we need to support and encourage each other to be open and access care.

Adolescents with mental health issues can access services through Alexs Place, located on the main campus of George Town Hospital. The Alex Panton Foundation and the Department of Health and Wellbeing partnered to create the facility, which opened in January, to provide mental health care to people aged 10 to 20.

To mark this year’s theme, “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right,” HSA is hosting a symposium open to the public on the topic today (Wednesday, October 11). The Department of Behavioral Health will host a public roundtable discussion on local human rights law and its implications for people with mental health issues.

The event will take place at the Hibiscus Conference Rooms at George Town Hospital, between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Panelists will include HSA and Behavioral Health Associates Cayman (BHAC) psychiatrist Dr. Marc Lockhart, HSA legal counsel Garcia Kelly, Cayman Islands Mental Health Commission Chair Fiona McDougall, and a representative from the Mental Health Commission. human rights.

Cayman Islands residents can access mental health support services from its behavioral health department year-round. Another point of access to care for people with persistent difficulties with community adjustment and interpersonal relationships is the HSAs Day Center. This facility provides a supportive learning environment, clinical assistance and social support. The multidisciplinary team includes mental health nurses, occupational therapists and social workers.

To make an appointment, call 949-8600 or visit Department of Behavioral Health at Smith Road Medical Center, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

See messages marking World Mental Health Day from Health Minister Sabrina Turner
and the Alex Panton Foundation.

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