“I’m a nutritionist: here are six foods to overcome seasonal affective disorder”

As the temperature drops and nights approach during the fall months, many of us will notice a change in our mood and energy levels.

While it’s easy to dismiss this as just a bout of winter blues, it can be a sign of something more serious.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression linked to the changing seasons.

According to the NHS, this can be serious and have a significant impact on daily activities.

Symptoms include persistent low mood, lethargy, and fatigue, as well as difficulty getting up in the morning.

Although it is not known exactly what causes SAD, it is linked to a number of factors.

An expert explained that diet may be one of these factors and recommended foods that could help prevent the effects of SAD.

Cambridge Weight Plan 1:1 diet nutritionist Mark Gilbert advised eating more of the following six foods if you notice signs of trouble.

Dark chocolate

The magnesium content of this delicious treat might be just what you need during the darker months.

Mark said: Yes, as a type of chocolate that we can justify as being healthy in very small doses, dark chocolate contains high levels of magnesium, which is the mineral that gives us energy and keeps us from feeling tired. feel tired.


This popular fruit could offset SAD symptoms.

The pot of fruit, bananas, are also high in magnesium, Mark said.

Love them or hate them, they make a great snack when you’re on the go and their naturally high levels of magnesium mean you’ll get the right chemicals to offset the negative impact of SAD and generally feel less tired.

Red or brown meats

Vegetarians and vegans may need to take iron supplements to get the same benefits as some meats, he said.

Mark explains: Famous for its high iron content, eating red and dark meats is a great way to combat daily fatigue.

In one study, vegetarians were three times more likely to have SAD and four times more likely in another.

Therefore, if you don’t eat meat, make sure you take a decent iron supplement to avoid SAD this winter.

Oily fish

Fish is rich in a nutrient called creatine, which aids memory and brain function.

However, Mark also shared its use to combat fatigue.

Creatine can literally improve energy production in the brain, he said.

Combined with the naturally high magnesium content of fish, these sea creatures provide the perfect antidote to the symptoms of SAD.

Avocados and nuts

Mark added: Not only are avocados and nuts both low in sugar and high in fiber, making them filling and nutritious, but they are also high in magnesium.

Nuts and avocados are often considered superfoods because of their many benefits. So it’s no surprise that they also promote a feeling of energy and help offset some of the impact of SAD.

The NHS lists the signs of SAD as follows:

  • A persistent low mood
  • A loss of pleasure or interest in normal daily activities
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of hopelessness, guilt and worthlessness
  • Feeling lethargic (lack of energy) and sleepy during the day
  • Sleeping longer than usual and having trouble getting up in the morning
  • Carb Cravings and Weight Gain
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Decreased libido.

He says: You should consider seeing a GP if you think you may have SAD and are finding it difficult to cope.

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Image Source : www.express.co.uk

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