5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Walking Workouts and Easy Expert Solutions

When it comes to enjoyable and economical exercise, walking can’t be beat. Going for a walk around your neighborhood, block, or local park has been found to reduce your risk of heart disease, strengthen your joints and heart, and even improve your mood. But before you lace up your shoes and head out the door, make sure you don’t fall victim to some common mistakes that can sabotage your walking workout.

Walking is one of the best and most underrated exercises you can do for your long-term health, says Sarah Gascon, PhD, performance coach at personal training app Future. In addition to the aforementioned benefits for your heart, joints, and mood, placing one foot in front of the other also improves stability and coordination and boosts immunity. Plus, walking has been shown to help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, says Gascon.

All of these wins for your physical and mental health are probably enough to make you want to find your sneakers and hit the trail or road. Before you do, read our experts on the five mistakes you could be making during your walking workouts and how to avoid them.

1. Starting without the proper equipment

It probably goes without saying that flats and loafers are not appropriate attire for a hike, but Gascon points out that flat sneakers won’t do either. With the wrong shoes, you can increase your risk of injury. I wouldn’t recommend wearing Converse sneakers, cross-trainers, or minimalist shoes if you’re just starting to walk on sidewalks, she says.

Instead of settling for a pair you already own, invest in comfortable hiking or running shoes, and if you’re hiking trails, look specifically for hiking boots or trail runners. Pro tip: The exact same style of shoes from two or three years ago are almost always on sale and they’re still great shoes.

You should apply the same mentality to your socks, too. Choose options that absorb sweat with compression technology so you don’t end up with soggy feet and blisters at the end of your workout.

2. Walking somewhere you don’t know

It’s important to know where you are and make sure you feel comfortable in your walking space, says Gascon. You should know distances and locations only in case of emergency. Having access to a map or any GPS device will help you navigate in unfamiliar areas. She adds that you should always tell people where you’re going (especially if you plan to log your miles at night).

You may also want to familiarize yourself with the public restrooms along your route.

3. Doing too much too soon

So you’re planning to walk to a beautiful park that’s two miles from your house. Fantastic. Just make sure you have enough energy to get home. Walking can be tiring, especially if you start adding in breaks or walking on hills, says Gascon. Remember to keep track of reps, sets and your fatigue level. If you start to feel tired, remember that you still have to get back to your car or home.

Weather can also influence your route and mileage. If it’s a hot, sunny day, be prepared to get tired more quickly than if the weather was perfect. If it’s below freezing outside, you can stop activities or walk on a treadmill.

4. Not taking snacks and water with you

It’s always good to have water, a snack, and maybe a small first aid kit when you go hiking. Stay hydrated and nourished, especially in the summer months or in high-altitude areas, says Gascon. If you hate carrying food and water on your run, bring a credit card and plan to stop at a coffee shop or grocery store on the way for a quick snack.

5. Waiting until the end of the day to go out for a walk

We all have times of the day when we prefer to exercise. Some people love to enjoy the day with a morning run; others enjoy some time at the gym at lunchtime. However, there’s a universal truth about adapting a workout: The longer you wait during the day, the more likely you are to miss it. Recommendation from the Gascons? Tie it up first thing in the morning. My favorite option is to wake up early and go for a walk. If your usual routine is showering, brushing your teeth, changing into work clothes and eating breakfast, you can go for a 15-minute walk in the morning, she says.

That being said, if you know yourself and you to know you’ll actually get ready to run after work and have more energy going for you.

#Ways #Youre #Sabotaging #Walking #Workouts #Easy #Expert #Solutions
Image Source : fortune.com

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