Replace Melatonin with These 7 Popular All-Natural Sleep Aids for Insomnia

It’s no secret how important sleep is to your daily functioning. Sleep strengthens your immune system, improves heart health, repairs muscle tissue, promotes memory and knowledge retention, and even boosts your mental health. Although sleep is essential to our overall well-being, a third of adults experience symptoms of insomnia. And if you’re one of them, closing your eyes, so important, can sometimes seem impossible. Even classic tips, such as reading in a room other than your bedroom and avoiding blue light, can be ineffective. Before you know it, lack of sleep turns you into a grumpy, dizzy, unhealthy version of yourself.

When searching the internet for natural remedies for sleep disorders, melatonin supplements are usually the first recommendation. However, if you are skeptical about sleep supplementsexperience side effects or simply prefer not to take pills that might leave you groggy in the morning, here are seven natural and technical sleeping pills to try to relieve your insomnia.

For more tips on how to sleep better, check out the best food to eat before bed, how to take a nap at the cafe And how to create the perfect sleep playlist.

Use CBD oils, gummies or creams

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CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is derived from hemp plants. CBD is a safe and effective treatment for insomnia that contains almost no THC, the substance found in marijuana that alters mental state. Many studies suggest that CBD is very effective in promoting sleep and reducing anxiety. It comes in many forms, like oils and lotions. Use before bed to promote sleepiness and relaxation.

Prepare a cup of hot herbal tea

Making tea is an ancient practice. Chamomile, valerian root, and magnolia tea are all natural remedies for anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Drink a cup of one of these herbal teas at least an hour to two hours before bed – this gives you time to relax, enjoy tea and go to the bathroom before the lights go out. Be sure to check the nutrition label to ensure no caffeine has been added to the ingredients.

Put a drop of lavender oil on your pillow

One of the most popular household remedies: essential oils. If tea isn’t your favorite way to relax before bed, floral and botanical scents are good ways to ease sleep. Some popular essential oils for sleep are lavender, chamomile, and bergamot. Essential oils should never be ingested, but you can put a small drop on your pillow in the evening. You can also broadcast essential oils in the air or use dried lavender to make a tea.


Put a few drops of this lavender essential oil in a diffuser to help you fall asleep. You can also dilute it in water and spray a little on your pillow.


Drink tart cherry juice

Sour cherry juice may increase melatonin production in those who consume it before bed. In the same study, the group that drank cherry juice spent more time in bed, sleeping, and had higher overall sleep efficiency. This suggests that tart cherry juice has the potential to relieve insomnia.

Try dried passionflower or oil extract

Not to be confused with passion fruit: passionflower is a fast-growing vine that produces vibrant flowers. Not only is the plant beautiful, but it can even help you fall asleep, either with a herbal tea or an oil extract. A recent study concluded that passionflower has the potential to treat insomnia. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women.

Make sure you get enough magnesium

Magnesium, a powerful nutrient, is responsible for regulating hundreds of processes in the body, including sleep. Magnesium is found naturally in foods such as nuts and seeds, spinach, soy milk, yogurt and whole grains. Try lightly snacking on magnesium-rich foods an hour or two before bed. If you think you don’t have enough magnesium in your diet and I think it might help you sleep, try adding a extra charge.

woman doing yoga at night in her living room

Focusing on your breathing can help you relax before bed.

Antonio Guillem/Getty Images

Practice yoga and meditation before bed

Exercising strenuously before bed isn’t always a good idea, but doing some light yoga or meditation before bed has been linked to decreased insomnia and better sleep. To cross simple yoga poses, such as cat-cow, forward fold or bridge, focusing on your breathing and feeling the stretch. There are also many self-guided tours meditation apps available.

For more health tips, here’s how to create the ideal environment for better sleep And how to sleep cooler without air conditioning.

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